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Frequently asked questions
SkimSafe Online is an ID-protection service. Every year an estimated 33% of all Swedes experience attempted identity theft, with an average of 52,000 SEK stolen per committed fraud. Additionally, 60% of people have an email address with a password available on the Dark Web.
We help protect you from ID-theft and digital fraud by safeguarding your personal information. SkimSafe Online offers proactive monitoring of important government registers, the internet, and the Dark Web, with immediate mobile alerts if any suspicious activity is detected. Users can also receive 24/7 assistance from SkimSafe’s fraud experts if they experience or suspect any form of identity theft.
We are proud to call ourselves the most comprehensive ID-protection service in Sweden.
We have no notice period, and you can cancel anytime you like. To cancel your membership please log in and fill out this cancellation form:
Make sure that you receive the email verification confirming your cancellation within 60 minutes of cancelling the membership. If not, please contact our customer service at
Klarna is our primary payment service provider. If you have questions about your membership with us, please contact our customer service at If you have questions regarding the payment status on your Klarna invoice please contact Klarna’s customer service ( or log in to your Klarna account through their website or app.
Klarna can request a credit report for a number of reasons including, but not limited to, any type of purchase/order where you’ve chosen to “pay later”.
We’ve notice an increased amount of credit reports connected to recurring payments through Klarna. If you haven’t ordered anything through Klarna lately it might be connected to your chosen payment method with us.